Kids Chiropractic Care

We know that kids are very curious and live very adventurous lives, but sometimes curiosity and adventure can lead to trauma. Common childhood traumas can come through everyday things like crawling, learning to walk, playing sports, wrestling siblings, riding a bike, climbing a tree or even through the birthing process. 

At Natural Wellness Chiropractic Center, we work to make sure those traumas, no matter how big or small, are not impeding your children to live to their fullest potential. Consider this, a child’s immune system is still developing, and with spinal issues, the nervous system is hindered, resulting in chronic sicknesses or increased susceptibility to colds, flu, or infections. The immune system is necessary to maintain overall health; therefore improving the function of the immune system is a huge benefit to everybody’s health, especially with children. 

At Natural Wellness Chiropractic Center, we work to make sure those traumas, no matter how big or small, are not impeding your children to live to their fullest potential. Consider this, a child’s immune system is still developing, and with spinal issues, the nervous system is hindered, resulting in chronic sicknesses or increased susceptibility to colds, flu, or infections. The immune system is necessary to maintain overall health, therefore improving the function of the immune system is a huge benefit to everybody’s health, especially with children. The benefits of chiropractic care are not only utilized to improve a child or young adults spine but also nervous system health. Chiropractic care is obtained to increase the function of the body in order to achieve optimal health in a child’s body.    

People who use regular chiropractic care for their children reap the benefits of them regularly having fewer colds. However, when colds do occur, the symptoms are less severe and have a shorter presence. We’re proud to offer care for even the littlest member of your family by knowing that a gentle and specific spinal manipulation can help restore their health. 
Chiropractic Care for Kids
Conditions that Kids Chiropractic Care Can Address:
Acid Reflux 
Behavioral disorders/ADHD
 Digestive concerns
Ear infections
 Headaches and migraines
 Sleep problems
Soft tissue injuries


About a little cutie pie named Rowen…

Rowen’s ear infections began at 6 months of age and would come back every 3-6 weeks. This really started to concern her mother, Shaleen, because the infections were becoming resistant to the antibiotics prescribed to little Rowen by her pediatrician. At the same time Shaleen was also losing hope since the doctor was pushing ear tubes as the only solution. So one day during her scheduled adjustment she decided to ask if/how pediatric chiropractic care could possibly help Rowen with her ear infections. 

Well needless to say, I was very happy to have had the opportunity to speak with her about how chiropractic could help her little girl. After speaking in detail, Rowen’s mother decided to get her under care. We then adjusted Rowen a few times that week and her current ear infection symptoms started to minimize noticeably. During the second week, Rowen’s mother and I continued to communicate over the phone, as well as while Rowen was in for her adjustment. After the second week Rowen’s ear infections had totally healed. No more discharge, fever, or pain. 

We continued to monitor and see Rowen and Shaleen for routine wellness adjustments throughout the year. No more ear infections occurred, and her colds were less frequent and milder. Ultimately, Rowen never had to receive ear tubes and the body’s natural ability to heal itself was now occurring through very precise and gentle chiropractic adjustments. 

A doctor of chiropractic’s specialized training is focused on treating each child as individuals in order to optimize their health care not only for the present but for long lasting optimal health for many years to come.

Consider chiropractic treatment for your children.    
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